Business ideas you can start.


Many people want to start profitable business, and usually, people start small before developing into something great. If you consider starting a business and maintaining it, then you have a great chance to make good money out of it.

In this article, we will list the most successful small business ideas which will help you to decide what you want to do, and how to do it most effectively. Follow our pieces of advice and become wealthy in no time!

Perhaps you are searching for the opportunities to invest your money into, but since you have a limited amount of money, you want the success to be guaranteed? Maybe you want to find small business ideas in Nigeria, which will grow fast? We assure you that this article is specifically for you and other people who are looking for the most creative small business ideas.

The best business to start with little money  :

A lot of potential Nigerian entrepreneurs want to start a business in their own country and search for the most successful small business ideas in Nigeria. There are, in fact, more lucrative business ideas than you can imagine. Sometimes, you should put some effort into searching and dig deeper to find a niche that will satisfy you.

Here are some examples of new business ideas that you can start with average capital and make a profit! Learn what is the best business to start with little money, and try your hand at one of these.

1. Livestock farming :

One of the fast business opportunities in Nigeria is livestock farming. This industry is continuously emerging and is yet to discover its fullest potential. This business can be started even in your backyard, provided that you know how to operate the equipment and take care of your livestock. For this business, you will need patience, knowledge, and experience. Some of the niche areas that you can venture into are catfish farming, poultry farming, cattle grazing, goat rearing, snail farming, and many others.

2. Exportation agricultural products:

Nigeria is a country which is full of various natural resources and quality food. You can start your own exportation business, if you register with the Export Promotion Council of Nigeria, and decide which specific product would be best for exporting. Some of the products that are in high demand abroad are cassava flakes, cocoa, yam flour, groundnut, chili pepper, cashew nuts, mango, and many others. If you for some reason do not want to get involved into exporting the agro-production abroad or have no capital for this, you can stay at the local level and sell your products on the territory of Nigeria. You can earn a good profit by buying and reselling palm oil.

3. Uniform sewing :

If your hobby is sewing clothes, and you would not mind doing it for a living, then you should probably choose this business. There are plenty of schools in every state, and they all need uniforms for their students. Besides, there are also a lot of corporate organizations, whose employees also wear uniforms – for example, the security staff. And it is not all – the multiple military organizations require wearing uniforms, and since they have a lot of people involved in their activity, they always need new ones. So, you can step up as someone who will sew the uniforms for people and organizations who need them. You can promote yourself as a supplier of uniforms, and make good money from this.

4. A writing company

Excellent writing is valued nowadays, and you can make some money if you take up freelance writing. At first, you will not even need the starting capital to begin your journey – the only things you will need are the skill and desire.

You can search for the orders online, or write for a company which will want your texts. The benefits of this job are countless, and the main one is: you will not have to go to the office or perform some hard work – it can be done at home from your laptop with a cup of coffee. Later, when your business grows, you can hire other writers and start your little company.

Writing content, especially of high quality, is in very high demand nowadays, and it is usually difficult to find the writers who will sacrifice themselves for this job. So, if you have a good skill and a way with words, this is a business for you.

5. Call center agency

Call center business is very popular, because there are lots of people who need guidance, advice, or want to complain about services. Therefore, you can set up a call center agency, where you can work for large companies according to contracts.

This business will also not require substantial start-up capital unless you would like to hire more workers, which can be done later when you grow a little.

6. Recruitment agency

Nigeria suffers from the problem of unemployment, and there are many people in desperate search for jobs. You can become a recruitment agent, which will connect people to the jobs of their dreams. All you need to do is to cooperate with different companies and recruit people for them.

Your recruitment agency can grow and expand with time, as you make more and more profit. To succeed, you need to be good at finding the right people for specific .

7. Importation of clothes:

If you think about the basic needs of every person, clothing is undoubtedly one of them, because we wear them every day and are always in need of new ones. Many people not just wear clothes, but also like purchasing some cute accessories for them. There is still a market for clothes, especially when they are trendy and at the same time not very expensive. You can set up the business of selling clothes to the clients.

Importing your clothing can be done from such countries as China, India, France, Italy, and many others. There is a trend of buying recycled clothes in Nigeria due to the tough economy, so you should keep this in mind while doing this business.

8. Daycare center

The majority of families have children, but they also need to work hard to earn enough income to cover their expenses. Therefore, not every parent can allow themselves to spend time with their child. There are quite a lot of daycare centers, but not all of them are competent. So, if you love children and are sure that you can care for them, you should consider setting up a daycare center. For starting a successful business, the environment has to be suitable for children so that parents would trust you with their kids. If you are creative in your approach to the youngsters and can create a good atmosphere for them, then you have a chance to make good money from this entrepreneurship. Besides that, it is possible to start it from home, as long as you think that your home would be a good starting place for the daycare center.

9. Training center

Are you skilled in a particular field, and feel like you could help other people to develop their skills? Then the training center business can become a niche that will bring you good money.

This business can be profitable nowadays because it is always in high demand among the clients. For instance, millions of Nigerians every year pass different tests and examinations, and they need someone to help them out with preparation, so they search for various training to get ready for their exams. If you are skilled in a particular subject, for example, Math, you can become a tutor for people who have trouble with the subject. These are not the only ways to make money off being a trainer.

You can teach people who want to develop their professional skills for corporate reasons, or just for themselves. For example, many people these days want to learn how to use various computer programs.

So, if you know something about Photoshop or computer programming, you can use this knowledge to start your course. It might be a little tricky to advertise yourself, but if you are a good specialist, then  people will come again and again. Perhaps, when your center is a little more developed, you can hire other people who can provide additional training services to the students.
