Fuel Subsidy: NUJ Requests Subsidized Transportation Costs


The Nigeria Union of Journalists, Anambra State Council, has urged the federal, state, and local governments to make available adequate government-owned transport facilities, with reduced fares, to cushion the effects of an increase in petrol pump prices.

“The public transportation facilities will convey workers, who bear the direct brunt of hike in fuel pump price, to and from work,” Dr Emeka

Odogwu, chairman of the council, said on Monday in Enugu.

He reacted to the transport difficulties being faced by Nigerians due to an increase in the pump price of petrol.

He said that journalists, along with other Nigerians, were finding it difficult to transport themselves to their workplaces.

He urged public officeholders to see journalists as partners in progress rather than rivals and recognise them as members of the fourth estate of the realm.

“Considering Anambra daily and Printing Corporation’s (publishers of the National Light daily) historical and symbolic significance to the state and its workers, the NUJ is pleading with the state government to put a human face on the problem.

The state administration is being urged to reconsider its plans after hearing reports that National Light may be shut down, he said. “Journalists are essential for any society to thrive,” he added.

Security personnel were commended for their efforts in reducing insecurity, and Odogwu pushed them to go farther.

He advised motorcycle riders and commercial drivers to avoid reckless driving and pleaded with traffic controllers to step up their efforts to inform road users about safety.

“The NUJ commends Gov. Chukwuma Soludo for embarking on massive road construction and rehabilitation; the importance of a good road network cannot be over-emphasised,” he added.

