NLC forbids State Chairmen From Honoring Politicians With Awards.


The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Thursday, barred all its chairmen and other officers of the Congress across 36 states of the federation from giving awards to politicians.

NLC also said it has taken immediate disciplinary action against all officers currently colluding with some state governors to flagrantly defy the orders of the National Administrative Council, NAC.

The Congress President, Comrade Joe Ajaero, disclosed this, at the end of the two day NAC meeting held at the Labour House, Abuja.

The NLC President, flanked by the General Secretary, Comrade Emma Ugboaja and other labour leaders, said the resolutions were aimed at strengthening the NLC and the practice of Industrial relations in the country.

While handing down the strict warning to the branches and officers, the NLC boss in the communique he read at the end of the meeting told the state executive members to choose between serving workers or vacate their offices.

According to him, “The National Administrative Council after an exhaustive deliberation on some national issues and matters of great concerns to Nigerian workers, the NLC and the practice of Industrial relations in the Country resolves to as follows:

“Strongly condemn in unmistakable terms once again the meddlesome actions of some state Governors in the internal affairs of Congress especially during the last State Delegates’ Conference of the NLC in all the States of the Federation.

“Warn all the State Councils of the Congress currently granting phoney endorsements and awards to Politicians and individuals to desist forthwith to avoid disciplinary actions

“Take immediate disciplinary action against all officers who are currently working with some state Governors to flagrantly defy the orders of the National Administrative Council (NAC) and the Central Working Committee (CWC) as it concerns the outcome of the State Delegates Conference.

“Warn all state Council officers of the Congress who are in the habit of colluding with Governors to cover their various atrocities against workers in their states to stop immediately or face severe sanctions. It is either they choose to serve workers and remain in office or become conduits for fleecing workers and leave. The choice is clear and its theirs.”

He directed all aggrieved parties in the last State Delegates Conference to avail themselves of the statutory Conference Appeal Committee in place at the headquarters for the purposes of redress where necessary.

On the 40 per cent pay rise peculiar allowance, the Comrade Ajaero said the NAC resolved to commend the federal government for the decision.

He, however, demanded a clean copy of the tripartite reviewed laws governing labour administration in the country from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment to verify its consistency with what was agreed.

He said, “This we are sure is in recognition of the extent to which its policies of last two years have caused hyperinflation in the country and deeply eroded the real wages of Nigerian Workers.

“We will begin a constructive and selective engagement with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment over its various interference in the internal affairs of the NLC contrary to the rules of our engagement as social partners until satisfactory remedial steps are taken.”
