US Calls on Nigeria Govt. Demands Prosecution of those Involved in Voter Suppression


The United States has called on Nigeria government to bring to justice everyone that was involved in violence including intimidation of voters and suppression of voting during the last election.

It also said it was considering taking all available actions, including additional visa restrictions, on individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Nigeria.

There has been wide condemnation of actions of Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello and and Chairman of Lagos State Parks Management Committee, Musiliu Akinsanya popularly known as MC Oluomo, who were caught on video directing hate speeches at particular group of electorates before the last Gubernatorial and House of Assembly elections.

A statement on Tuesday by the United States Embassy in Nigeria read: “We call on Nigerian authorities to hold accountable and bring to justice any individuals found to have ordered or carried out efforts to intimidate voters and suppress voting during the election process.

“The United States likewise will consider all available actions, including additional visa restrictions, on individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Nigeria.”

“Following the February 25 national elections, the United States joined other international observers in urging the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to improve voting processes and technical elements that experienced flaws in that voting round. The March 18 elections appear to have had significant operational improvements, as polling stations generally opened on time and most results were visible on an electronic viewing platform in a timely manner.

“The United States renews its call for any challenges to election results to go through established legal processes, which must not be interfered with. We further call for Nigeria’s people to work together as they participate in and continue to strengthen the country’s vibrant democracy.”
